Boosting Kenya's Coffee Sector: Lessons Learned by The Standard Group

As a leading multimedia house in Kenya, The Standard Group PLC has consistently empowered Kenyans with reliable and up-to-date content, enabling informed decision-making across various sectors of the economy. One of these sectors, as highlighted by an article from The Standard, is coffee farming.

Progress in the Coffee Sector

The article speaks to a series of reforms introduced in the coffee industry to stimulate market access and boost earnings for coffee farmers. At the heart of these changes is the Nairobi Coffee Exchange (NCE), whose reopening has seen an influx of trade volume to the tune of $203 million.

  • According to NCE chairman Patrick Gitonga, this green trajectory is a reflection of progress not just locally but also on the international platform, where Arabica coffee is in high demand. The Tanzanian market's direct selling option, reducing dependence on brokers, is curving a significant share in these gains.
  • The capital Markets Authority (CMA) plays a central role in overseeing these reforms to enhance transparency in coffee trading, a striking testament to market dynamics and the power of a well-governed industry.

The Standard Group PLC amplifies these strides in coffee trading through its various platforms such as The Standard news, KTN News, Radio Maisha, among others, providing continuous updates on market trends, pricing, and news in real-time, a feature proving critically useful to various stakeholders in the coffee sector.

Digital Innovation at the Forefront

"The future of coffee trading lies in the ability to adapt and innovate, primarily through digital platforms", shares Gitonga.

Through this article, The Standard Group highlights the critical role held by digital solutions in facilitating market access. At The Standard Group PLC, we champion digital innovation, with tailored digital tools to match the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

  • Our robust online platforms enhance real-time engagement among audiences, ensuring information is accessible regardless of geographical boundaries.
  • Our classified platforms for jobs, real estate, and motor vehicles sales, Digger Classifieds, offers an effective marketplace for sellers and buyers, a model that the coffee sector can replicate for direct sales and product visibility.

Anticipated Results

These reforms promise palpable results in the form of direct selling at the NCE, seamless price discovery, and enhanced access to global markets for Kenyan coffee farmers. All these are inspired by the principle of creating a more equitable and profitable farming industry.

  • As The Standard Group, we aim to share these stories of transformation, highlighting the implications of such reforms on the livelihood of millions of Kenyans.
  • Equally, we celebrate the strides in leveraging technology in agribusiness, as covered on our platforms such as Farm Kenya.

In conclusion, the ability to learn from sectors like coffee farming and others, leverage insights shared by industry stakeholders, and harness digital solutions to empower direct engagement and trading paint a promising picture for Kenya's digital landscape, as narrated by The Standard.

The Standard Group remains committed to bringing you diverse, up-to-date, and accurate news from across Kenya and beyond. For more information and news updates about the Kenyan news portal and the multimedia company, please visit or contact us via our contact page.